We are MyPoint a Marketing Agency for Edutech Businesses

End-to-End Services

MyPoint is a full-service marketing agency that specializes in serving the edutech industry with end-to-end marketing solutions. Our agency understands the unique needs of edutech companies. We are committed to helping our customers achieve their business goals through effective marketing strategies and operations.​

Marketing, sales, ecommerce

At MyPoint, we believe that successful marketing is not just about promoting products or services, but about building meaningful relationships with customers. Depending on your business goals we will adjust our approach and scope of work to support your business in the most efficient way.



Performance & Ecommerce

Educational content

Educational content creation and improvement based on the Polish core curriculum and education system in Poland, in cooperation with the best educators and textbook authors in Poland. Tailored to the technical requirements of the client. Content quality assurance for specific projects for the Polish market.




The needs

We understand Edutech challenges

The marketing needs of edutech companies vary based on target audience, offered products/services, and overall goals. Drawing from our experience, we identified common marketing needs for edutech companies include:

Unite economics

The economics of edutech is mostly dependent on the student-teacher ratio which defines the whole experience as well. Understanding the model has a crucial role in setting marketing campaigns that support LTV vs. CPA ratio.

Brand awareness

Edutech companies must prioritize building strong brand awareness to enhance visibility and establish credibility. A recognizable brand name drives brand searches, leading to the most cost-effective sales channel.

New client acquisition

Edutech companies need to generate leads and build a pipeline of potential customers who are interested in their products or services. This is always done by a mix of channels and content tactics that must be first tested to be further develop and build a big scale. 

Ecommerce, CRO & UX

User experience delivered via website, mobile apps and other touchpoints determine customer buying decision and strongly impact final conversion rate. Edutech companies must know how to present their USPs and ensure prefect user experience to maximize their ROI.

Educational content production

The quality of educational content offered by edutech companies is their key success factor. The attention must be focused not only on constant content updates that meet user interests but also on matching local school curriculum, established users’ learning  behaviors and preferable formats.

Customer retention

Edutech companies need to retain their existing customers by providing high-quality products and services, excellent customer support, and ongoing engagement and communication.

Overall, edutech companies need to create a strong marketing strategy that addresses these specific needs, while also aligning with their business goals and target audience.

Our team of experienced

marketers offers a range of services, including market research, brand development, content creation, social media management, paid advertising, email marketing, website design and development, search engine optimization, lead generation, customer retention, and analytics and reporting. Our team is committed to staying up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in the edutech industry. This allows us to provide our clients with insights and recommendations that can help them stay ahead of the competition and drive business growth.

Our leaders

magda brych
Magda Brych

15+ experience in building marketing strategies, digital marketing campaigns , brand recognition

Przemek Binkowski

10+ experience in  running  performance marketing campaign, building mobile  presence, launching  and optimizing edutech ecommerces

ola zdzarska
Ola Żdżarska

15+ experience in  creating educational content, building partnerships with educators, driving innovations in edutech solutions

Proud to work with

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